“Colorful Yunnan·Meeting in Taiwan” Cultural Month kicked off in Foguang Mountain of Taiwan,
delivering the blessings from Yunnan to local audience.
(如辉 摄)
The spring training of Team
Torrent of Chinese Canoeing
Association began in Nujiang
River. 60 athletes and coaches
were preparing for the 2020
Tokyo Olympic Games.
中国皮划艇协会激流队在怒江开展春季训练,60名运动员、教练员为争夺 2020 年东京奥运会该项目奖牌备战训练。(王帮旭 摄)
FOCUS | 焦点
Although located far
from downtown, numerous
tea mountains of repute in
Yunnan are crowded with
cars from other provinces of
China when the spring tea
enters the market. Tea is a gift
from nature. “Money can be
used up. Live stocks will die
eventually. Only tea mountains
are immortal.” When women
get married, their dowry will
include the tea trees passed
down by their parents and
grandparents. After their own
children get married, they will
pass down the tea trees again
to the children just as their
parents did.
The newly decorated twostory
houses of the dwellers
on tea mountains indicate
the quality of local life. Before
harvesting the spring tea
leaves, the ethnic groups
inhabiting on tea mountains
must worship the ancestor
of tea. People deeply believe
that they will be blessed by
worshiping the tea soul who
has the spirits of humans and
云南坐拥众多蜚声中外的古茶山,虽然路途遥远,车道泥泞,但每年春茶上市时,各座茶山的山路上总是奔忙着各地车牌的车。茶叶是上天赐予的福祉,“留下金银财宝终有用完之时,留下牛马牲畜也终有死亡时候,唯有留下茶种方可让子孙后代取之不尽,用之不竭”。年轻的女孩出嫁时,妈妈、 爸爸、爷爷、奶奶会从自己名下分出一些古茶树作为嫁妆;等到自己的儿子、女儿成亲那天,做母亲的又会将茶树作为“彩礼”转赠给他们。
装修一新的两三层小洋楼是茶山世居者现今生活水平的注脚。每到春茶采摘前,居住在茶山的少数民族绝不会忘记一件大事——祭拜茶祖。他们深信,茶魂身上有着人和神的灵性,呼唤茶魂,祭拜 茶魂,祈求茶祖能保佑人们幸福吉祥。
A joint is a fracture or a plane of fracture created by
forces on a rock.
Along Longchuan River which is 25km north to
Tengchong, there is a field of columnar crystals as a result
of the condensation of the underground magma which is
the product of volcanic eruption. They are called “columnar
jointing” in geology.
腾冲以北 25公里处的龙川江畔,矗立着一大片火山爆发时喷出的、未露于地表的岩浆冷凝后形成的柱状结晶,地质学上称为“柱
Yunnan Province is famous for its abundance in mountains. Better yet, it
also houses magnificent plateaus and lakes that are well comparable with the
mountains. If you feel like sampling the unique charm of “Haizi Lake”, a quick
glimpse from the viewing deck, needless to say, is not enough. Only when
you stand amidst them can you have a good taste of their charm. Now, riders
all over the world prefer to cycle on the mountain bikes and experience the
world of lakes on the colorful plateaus in every breath.
Z h a n g Yu e t a n g ,
t h e c r a f t a r t i s t o f
Fengyu inkstone and
the head of Eryuan
F e n g y u I n k s t o n e
Factory, is the eighthgeneration
inheritor of
Fengyu inkstone. His
works are easy to use
with delicate gloss,
enabling high quality
and smooth texture of
the ink for a long time.
The inkstones have
been favored by many
renowned calligraphers
and painters.
ART | 艺术
Pan Yu is a Chinese dancer whose physical movements can be as light
and magnificent as cloud and as flexible and gentle as running water.
Myosung is an awe-inspiring and thought-provoking dance style. Their
combination has generated a unique form of artistic expression in the
Chinese dance circle at present. Pan expresses himself via Myosung, a
“bewitching” and “peculiar” dance style.
It was a sunny spring weekend. On a lawn in the
downtown area of Kunming, kite lovers unfolded several
airfoil kites and put them towards the wind, and these
kites quickly flew in the air. The kites clashed with the
wind, and roar past the sky. Under the professional
guidance of the “kite liberator”, a few of stunt kites
waved as if the marionettes fiddled with different
gestures. They were like ballet dancers who were
hopping over the sky.