2017 South & Southeast Asia Commodity Expo and Investment Fair (2017 SSACEIF) attracted more than 4,000 domestic and overseas enterprises and the number of visitors reached 500 thousand person-times. Wonderful artistic performances from different continents, a great variety of products… The 2017 SSACEIF has become an important platform to strengthen exchange between China and foreign countries and improvepeople-to-people communication.
2017 南亚东南亚国家商品展暨投资贸易洽谈会(以下简称商洽会)吸引了4000 余家国内外企业参加,入场观众更达到了50 万人次。精彩的文艺演出、来自各大洲的别样风情、琳琅满目的各色商品……让本届商洽会成为了加强中外交流、促进民心相通的重要平台。
FOCUS | 焦点
Yunnan Confucian temples
Yunnan’s Confucian temples - each unique -reflect the region’s traditional culture and echo the characteristics of its ethnic architecture. Behind each stone block and carving there lies profoundity and significance: whichever temple you choose to visit, you will find the effort worthwhile and rewarding.
A bird called “tiger”
The blue-tailed bee-eater (Merops philippinus) is in bright and beautiful color. Its forehead and upper back are copper green, while its lower back, rump, and long tail are blue. Its belly is light green, and its throat is yellow and brown. When it flies, it spreads its wings,displaying the orange and yellow of the undersides. In Chinese, the species is known as lihou fenghu, lihou referring to its chestnut throat.
Ancient Xinping pottery in new era
新平土陶 古法新语
Tuguo Village, sitting along the river bank of Gasa River, Xinping, Yuxi, is home to Huayao Dai ethnic group who is famous for hand-made pottery. The thousand-year-old pottery-making method producing wares in the simplest appearance yet durable quality is an indispensable daily necessity in Huayao Dai people’s life.
玉溪新平戛洒江畔,有一个名为“土锅寨”的村落,寨里世代居住的花腰傣人家, 因代代相传的土陶制作技艺而远近闻名。这里的土陶制作传承千年古法,以纯手工捏制而成。
ART | 艺术
Ardent Yunnan folk songs
There are 25 ethnic minorities inhabiting in Yunnan. Although displaying idiosyncratic characteristics, all groups like expressing their emotions through high-pitched folk songs outright, clear, loud and unpretentious.
云南有25 个少数民族,每个民族都有自己的民俗和风情。生活在山野田间的他们,似乎像商量好了一般,喜爱用高亢嘹亮的歌声,清楚、大声地表达自己的爱,毫不扭捏、造作。
Yunnan circle of international friends
The first international friendship city relationship of Yunnan Province was established between Kunming City and Fujisawa City of Kanagawa Prefecture in Japan on November 5, 1981, marking the beginning of Yunnan’s paring of friendship cities. So far, 16 prefectures (cities) and counties of Yunnan have established sister city relations with a total of 76 cities (provinces) of 33 countries across the five continents, with the establishment of friendly relationship of exchange and cooperation with 4 provinces, prefectures and cities from two countries, and one friendship mountain and two friendship parks from three countries.
1981 年11 月5 日,昆明市与日本神奈川县藤泽市正式签署协结好议书,成为云南省第一对国际友城,由此开启云南与外国城市结好的序幕。截止目前,云南省16 个州(市)及有关县(市、区)共与世界上5 大洲33 个国家缔结了76 对友好城市,与2个国家的4 个道、县、市缔结了友好交流合作关系,与3 个国家分别缔结了1 对友好山峰和2 对友好公园。
FOOD | 美食
Season of plenty: Yimen’s mushroom feast
When the ground is saturated after rain, mushrooms of all descriptions show up in market - black bolete, redbolete, white bolete and thelehora ‘ganba’. This is ‘the season of mushrooms’ spanning the whole summer for the people of Yunnan.