
展会老朋友 都来商洽会

云南旅游文化时报 2017-07-21

展会老朋友  都来商洽会

Reunion with old friends 

in 2017 SSACEIF


A total of 8,000 standard booths, and different organizations, institutions and businesses exhibitors from 51 countries and regions are participating in 2017 SSACEIF. Many of them are old friends of Yunnan. As far as they’ve concerned, Kunming is a beautiful city with an agreeable climate and hopitality. They gave high compliments on the event as well as Yunnan market.


Indianexhibitors: Prosperous two-way trade


India has 152 booths in South Asia Pavilion with fabrics, handicrafts, furniture and jewelry for appreciation of Indian culture by visitors.

来自印度的Trend India公司将携其3家子公司SOUVENIR INDIA HUF、ETHNIC INDIA以及UNIVERSAL GEM & JEWELLERYCENTRE在2017商洽会南亚馆T7-064、T7-056、T7-072和T7-080号展位展销。Trend India是印度知名的手工艺品公司,此次来昆明主要展销印度宝石、丝绸、布料以及手工艺品。

The well-known handicraft Indian company, Trend India, together with its sub-companies SOUVENIR INDIA HUF, ETHNIC INDIA and UNIVERSAL GEM & JEWELLERY CENTER, brought to Kunming Indian gems, silk, fabrics and handicrafts to be exhibited at booth 207, T7-064, T7-056, T7-072 and T7-080.

Rajat Gupta是Trends India的运营者、EthnicIndia公司首席执行官。他告诉记者,公司第一次来云南参展是2011年的时候,那时也是公司首次进入中国市场,之后,每年都要来昆明参展两次。进入中国市场后,除了参加展销会,Trend India也与云南展开了商务合作。许多昆明的商家和公司从TrendIndia购入印度手工艺品,然后在云南本地售卖。同时,Trend India也从昆明的商家进口云南手工艺品和银器,在印度境内销售。

Rajat Gupta is the proprietor of Trends India and CEO of Ethnic India. The company entered China’s market in 2011 by joining the exhibitions in Yunnan and now regularly visits Kunming twice a year. Rajat Gupta told us Trend India is currently having business collaborations with Yunnan companies. “We have quite a few Kunming shop keepers and companies who buy Indian Handicrafts from us to sell locally. We also buy Yunnan handicrafts and silver articles from Kunming to sell in India.”

这几年,Rajat Gupta去过中国其他城市参展,但云南在他心中始终占据着特殊的位置。“我第一次来中国就是在云南参展,这几年我认识了不少当地的朋友和合作伙伴。昆明是一座美丽的城市,拥有着得天独厚的气候,当地人特别和气,脸上总是挂满了笑容。昆明比起省外的其他城市惬意多了。”Rajat Gupta同时也表示,云南与印度领近,Trend India和云南商家在未来的合作也会越来越多,云南市场拥有着无限潜力和商机。

Rajat Gupta has exhibited in other provinces, but as his first entry point in China, Yunnan always holds a special position in his heart. “I have friends and partners in Yunnan. Beautiful city with a pleasant weather, people are always smiling and happy to help, much more relaxing and comfortable than other cities.” Rajat predicted that with Yunnan’s proximity to India, Trend India will see expanding cooperation with businesses of Yunnan, a market full of infinite commercial potentials.

随着往返云南次数的增多,Rajat Gupta越来越觉得中国与印度有很多共通点,他希望印度与中国尤其是云南的友谊、合作可以天长地久。

With more frequent shuttling between India and Yunnan, Rajat Gupta has found that the two countries have more in common than thought, and wishes the friendship and cooperation between the two countries, particularly that between Yunnan and India will be lasting.

另一家来自印度新德里的Satnam Export进出口公司在南亚馆T7-112号展位展销。该公司是印度知名的进出口贸易公司,与俄罗斯等国家均有业务往来。其主要从国外市场进口家具装饰、清洁用品、服饰、鞋具、手工艺品等,在印度境内的电商和实体店里售卖。Satnam Export曾经从中国进口过一些商品,并对其质量十分满意,继而萌生了进军中国市场的打算。

Another Indian company, Satnam Export, takes booth T7-112 in South Asia Pavilion. Satnam Export is a well established import and export company from New Delhi and conducts business with Russia and other countries. It mainly imports furniture decoration, cleaning supplies, apparels, shoes and handicrafts from foreign countries for sale in stores and online shops in India. The company has imported goods from China before and was very satisfied with the quality, which gives rise to its intention to explore Chinese market.

Satnam Export公司的相关负责人告诉记者,此次商洽会是该公司首次来中国展销,公司最想与各国商家寻求电子产品领域的合作,例如手机、电脑等。“中国市场,尤其是云南市场,对于我们来说十分具有吸引力,其潜力也是巨大的。我们公司是印度知名的电商企业,我早就耳闻中国阿里巴巴的大名,我很希望公司在未来可以入驻阿里巴巴。”公司负责人自信地说。

A management staff of Satnam Export told us 2017 SSACEIF is the first expo it joins in China and the company is seeking collaboration in electronic line of products such as computers and mobilephones. “China, especially Yunnan, is an attractive and promising market forus. Our company is a reputed e-commerce enterprise in India. I have heard about Alibaba of China and I hope my company will join Alibaba in the future.” Hesaid confidently.


PakistanExhibitors: Old friends of Yunnan exhibition fairs


Pakistan as the host country of 2017 SSACEIF has 208 booths in Hall 8 and 600 square meters display area in Hall 7 (Opening Ceremony Pavilion), exhibiting leather products, wood carving crafts, ethnic apparels, jade, jewelry, carpets, handicrafts and so on.

来自巴基斯坦的Kashif Bashir 可以称得上是云南展销会的老朋友,他的地毯公司M/s Bashir Carpet早在4年前就开始了云南的展销活动。在过去的四年里,Kashif Bashir每年都来云南展销地毯,生意一年比一年好。今年的商洽会Kashif也如期赴约,这次Kashif Bashir的 6个展位,位于8号馆的53至58号。

Kashif Bashir from Pakistan is an old friend of Yunnan exhibition fair. His company M/s Bashir Carpet started exhibiting in Yunnan four years ago and business keeps growing. Since then, Kashif Bashir comes to Yunnan annually to sell his carpets. Kashif shows up at 2017 SSACEIF as expected and has his six booths of 53-58 in Hall 8. 

M/s Bashir Carpet公司以手工的羊毛及丝绸地毯为主打产品。Kashif Bashir告诉记者,他的地毯都是纯手工编织而成,耗时数月,在原料选择、色泽调配、图案设计和编制技艺等方面的要求都极为严格。编织时,需要用到十余种甚至几十种不同颜色的线,用不同的编织方法才能组成一大块地毯。其地毯图案具有浓郁异域风情,配色柔和。Kashif Bashir告诉我们,巴基斯坦的手工地毯在全世界都是鼎鼎有名的,这也是中国消费者喜欢他们商品的重要原因。过去四年里,云南是他在中国的重要市场之一,云南的消费者很喜欢Kashif的手工地毯,他对此很高兴,并表示以后云南的展销会也将参加。

M/s Bashir Carpet company mainly sells handmade wool and silk carpets. Kashif Bashir told us that his rugs are all hand-woven and take months to make. He has strict standards for materials, color blending, pattern design and craftsmanship. Weaving a carpet involves threads of dozens of different colorsand different weaving methods. Carpets produced by M/s Bashir Carpet bears soft exotic charm. “Pakistani handmade carpets are highly-regarded in the world and that’s why Chinese customers like it.” Yunnan has been one of the key markets for Kashif Bashir in the past four years. Kashif Bashir is happy that many Yunnan people love his carpets and will keep coming to Yunnan exhibitions in the future.

在云南寻找到商机的同时,Kashif Bashir也深深爱上了这片土地。“云南人十分友好,4年来结交了不少朋友和合作伙伴。我特别喜欢云南的气候与自然风光。以后如果有机会,我很想去云南有名的大理、香格里拉看看。同时,我也希望我的生意在云南可以越做越好。”

In his search for business opportunity in Yunnan, Kashif Bashir also grows a deep love for this land. “Local people are very friendly. I have made quite a few Yunnan friends and business partners in the past 4 years. I particularly love the climate and natural landscape of Yunnan. If possible, I would like to travel to Dali and Shangri-La. Meanwhile, I hope my business in Yunnan will expand in the future.”


Thai exhibitors: After Kunming-Thailand Festival, herecomes 2017 SSACEIF


The 9th Kunming-Thailand Festival ended as a complete success in Kunming in mid-May and we learned that many of the participating Thai companies will also take part in 2017 South &Southeast Asia Commodity Expo and Investment Fair. Some of  them are new faces in the event and some are old friends of Yunnan - all of them wish to share the new opportunities with the world through 2017 SSACEIF.

昆明泰国节上,场面火爆的展位当属泰国调料Oldies。老板娘Ingkarat Sittiviriyachai是一位即有气质又干练的泰国女性,普通话、英语都驾轻就熟。Ingkarat告诉我们,去年的南博会,她第三天就卖光了所有的酱料,所以今年的商洽会她带来了更多的货品。

One of the most popular booth in Kunming-Thailand Festival is “Oldies Sauce”. The boss, Ingkarat Sittiviriyachai, is an attractive and lovely Thai lady who is proficient in English and Chinese. Ingkarat told us that her sauces were all sold out in three days in at China-ASEAN Expo last year, so she brought moresauces this year.


Ingkarat’s highlight sauce is Tom-Yum paste - a dark red sauce made by West Indian Lemongrass, fish sauce, shrimp paste, lime skin, etc. which delivers sour and spicy flavors that suit well the taste buds of Yunnan natives. Ingkarat told usthat she opened three Thai restaurants “Oldies” in Bangkok in 1991. It was not until a Chinese customer asked her what sauce her specialty dish is made with,that she realized her customers had been querying the know-how of her specialtydish over the past 26 years. She then decided to produce a series of Thai sauces so that her customers could make authentic Thai food at home.


Ingkarat’s sauce sold unexpectedly well in last year’s Kunming Thailand Festival and China-ASEAN Expo. “This is probably because people inYunnan have a similar food preferences with Thai people because of itsproximity to Thailand”, Ingkarat explained. Ingkarat is now aregular sauce provider of a Thai restaurant and a supermarket in Kunming.


71-year-old Chinese born Thai Zeng Tongcheng started exhibiting his goods in Yunnan since 2009. He has been running business of traditional yellow herbal oil for over 20 years.


Zeng Tongcheng told us that he used to sell jewelries when he was young. In his 40s, he was inspired by a master in a Thai temple and started to learn the making of traditional herbal yellow oil. Ever since he got his first opportunity to exhibit his herbal oil in China in 2009, Zeng Tongcheng has been traveling monthly between the two countries for exhibitions in the past 8 years. He exhibits in Yunnan for 3 to 4 times a year,not only in Kunming but also in Xishuangbanna.


Zeng Tongcheng’s nephew Zheng Zhaorong told us while they exhibit in Fujian and Guangxi provinces, their merchandize sells the best in Yunnan’s market. Everytime they went to Xishuangbanna, they would meet some old returning customerswho had bought the herbal oil from them before. What drives these customerscome back again is the recipe and ingredients of yellow herbal oil.


We were told that The Office of Commercial Affairs of Thailand in Kunming, which is under the Ministry of Commerce of Thailand will organize the event “2017 Top Thai Brand” in 2017 SSACEIF. In the press conference of the event, Royal Thai Consul Natchathorn Manopanjasiri introduced that 170 Thai companies with 224 booths from industries of food, health and beauty, clothing accessories,home accessories and so on will participate in the fair, which will effectively promote bilateral business, tourism and investment collaborations.




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