
Yunnan on screen 影画云南

云南旅游文化时报 2016-09-09


FOCUS | 焦点

Yunnan on screen 


Taking the provincial capital city of Kunming as the center of Yunnan, you can travel to Yuanmou, Dali and Lijiang in the northwest of the province, where quite a few screen hits were filmed. The movie Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles directed by Zhang Yimou screened in 2005 brought the world’s attention to the Yuanmou Earth Forest which can be dated back to the ice age. The movie Five Golden Flowers , with Dali Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake, The March Fair of Dali and Butterfly Spring as the backdrop, tells the story of an ethnic Bai youth Ah Peng looking for his love Jinhua. The TV drama Turbulence of the Mu Clan displays a panorama of the Mu clan of the Naxi people’s splendid history and their traditional architecture, attracting thousands of tourists.

以省会昆明为中心,向西北,可以来到元谋、大理、丽江。中国著名导演张艺谋拍摄的获奖影片《千里走单骑》为元谋土林这方热土带来更多热力,土林地貌令人叹为观止,最早可以追溯到8 千万到1 亿年前的冰河时期;电影《五朵金花》以大理苍山洱海、三月街、蝴蝶泉为背景,白族青年阿鹏寻找金花的爱情传奇演绎至今;电视剧《木府风云》全景展现了木氏纳西族的辉煌历史和纳西建筑,让丽江更加令人神往。


Grass shoots – One of the Yunnan’s 18 Oddities

草芽 滇南一怪

Grass shoot, also known as “ivory vegetable” forits ivory-like shape and color, is a unique plant growing in Jianshui County,Yunnan Province. Grass shoots are referred to in a saying – “Grass roots are soldas ivory”, which describes an oddity in southwestern Yunnan, as the grass rootsin the saying refer to grass shoots. Grass shoots grow all year round,especially in summer and autumn, and can be harvested for food any time. Thelocal people even make a feast solely with grass shoots, namely grass shoot feast.


Embracing Shangri-La and racing on horseback in autumn

畅游香格里拉 金秋赛马去

If you go to Shangri-La in September,you see a steppe of euphorbia flowers as a sea off lames. The annual Diqing Prefecture Fair and the Autumn Horse Racing Festivalis coming as expected. The Tibetan peoplein Diqing present their extraordinary horse-racing and steppe cultures through equestrian performance, artistic programs, and an autumn steppe gala.



Traditional hornbow


“Drawing a bow requires overcoming enormous resistance. Nowadays, a horn bow is no longer a symbol of violence; on the contrary, a person trained in archery shows a kind of accomplishment actually.” Duan Meishan – a traditional horn bow craftsman explains: The ancients said: “‘Judge ones’ morals from their archery.’ Shootingis one of Confucianism's traditional ‘six arts’— manners, music, shooting,riding, writing, and arithmetic.”



Meet the musicianNie Er


In 1931, Nie Errented filmstrips in Shanghai for his friends Zhang Jiahou and Liao Boming in Kunming to be shown in the Yile Cinema there and was paid 100 yuan for his service. In his diary on February 9, 1931, Nie Er wrote that he remitted half of this payment to his mother and spent the remaining half on a low-cost violin, a few music scores, and a winter coat.

1931 年,聂耳帮助他远在昆明的朋友张庚侯、廖伯民从上海代租电影片邮寄到

昆明的逸乐电影院放映,因而得到了100 元的酬金。聂耳在1931 年2 月9 日的日记中记述,他将这100 元酬金一半汇给了母亲,剩余的钱买了一把廉价的小提琴、几本乐谱和一件冬衣。

ART | 艺术

Guan School of Beijing Opera in Yunnan


Funded by ChinaNational Arts Foundation, the Beijing Opera play Tie Gong Yuan (Romance of the Iron Bow) has been staged forty times in a recent tour show across the country, including Yunnan, Chongqing, Hebei and Heilongjiang Provinces. “Our play was unexpectedly successful. The audience simply had great admiration for Ms. Guan Sushuang.” said Zhu Fu, deputy director of Yunnan Beijing Opera Theater.

作为国家艺术基金资助剧目的京剧《铁弓缘》结束了包括云南、重庆、河北、黑龙江等地的全国40 场巡演。“我们所到之处都收获强烈反响,这也缘于全国观众对关老师的怀念和喜爱。”云南省京剧院副院长朱福说。


FOOD | 美食

When beefs meets sour soup


Wenshan is the home of multipleethic minorities, among which are the Zhuang and Miao who prefer spicy and sour food. Different from traditional western cuisine, beef is cooked with sour soup in Wenshan,which makes a local specialty known to all, far and near. Sour soup beef hotpot, grilled sour beef kebab, vinegar raw beef – the tender and chewy beef take your taste buds on a fantastic ride.




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