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Introduction to Xingzi: Xingzi County is a county included in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province. Xingzi County is backed by Lushan Mountain and faces Poyang Lake. It is adjacent to Duchang County in the east, Jiujiang County, De'an County and Gongqing City in the west. It is connected to the Lushan Management Bureau in the north and Huzhou in Yongxiu County in the south. . The county has 208,800 people (2013), including 180,100 people in agriculture and 894 square kilometers in the region. Contains 10 townships and one, one, 72 villages. Xingzi County is one of the top ten tourist counties (districts) in Jiangxi Province, a strong tourism county, a Chinese leisure tourism county, a Chinese eco-tourism county, and a beautiful China.