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Introduction to Langzhong: Langzhong City is located in the northeastern part of the Sichuan Basin, on the west bank of the middle reaches of the Jialing River, surrounded by mountains and surrounded by water. It depends on Bazhong City and Yilong County in the east, southern county in the south, Jiange County in the west and Cangxi County in the north. For more than 2,000 years, it has been known as the Bashu, the military town, and the reputation of “Yuyuan Wonderland” and “Shenzhong Tianxia”. It is also known as the “Big Ancient City” in the country with Lijiang, Yunnan, Pingyao, Shanxi, and Anhui Province. With a land area of ​​1,878 square kilometers, Langzhong City has jurisdiction over 46 townships and 4 sub-district offices with a total population of 881,900 (2010), of which the urban population is 320,000. It is a national demonstration city for ecological construction, an excellent tourist city in China, a thousand-year old county in the world, a hometown of Chinese New Year culture, and a national 5A-level scenic tourist area.