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Introduction to Guangshan: Guangshan County Xinyang City, Henan Province contains counties, in the southeast of Henan Province, north of the Huaihe River, south of the Dabie Mountains, and the Jiaozuo District of Hubei, Henan and Anhui Provinces is China's Su District and a key county for poverty alleviation and development. The county of Guangshan County is the country of the string, so it is called "string". The Spring and Autumn Period belonged to Chu; the Qin Dynasty was governed by Jiujiang County; Wang Shuo was abolished in the National County, and the territory was set up in Guangcheng, Ruyu and Dong'an; the Emperor Wendi Emperor Kaihuang 18 years (AD 589) was Guangguang City, Guangshan County. . Since then, it has been the military, political, economic and cultural center of southern Henan, with more than 4,000 years of history. In the transition zone from subtropical to warm temperate zone, Guangshan County belongs to the subtropical monsoon-type humid climate. It is known as the “Northern Jiangnan” and the “land of fish and rice”.