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Introduction to Huanjiang: Huanjiang Maonan Autonomous County, belonging to Hechi City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, in the northwestern part of Guangxi, in the southeastern margin of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, south of the Jiuwan Mountain, adjacent to Rongshui and Luocheng in the east and Yizhou in the south In the two cities of Hechi, the west and the Libo and Congjiang counties in Guizhou Province are adjacent to each other. The maximum distance between east and west is 89 kilometers, and the maximum distance between north and south is 90 kilometers. It is the only county in China where the Maonan people live. The county has more than 400,000. In the 1990s, there were more than 71,000 Maonan people, accounting for 16.2%. Huanjiang's "cabbage" and "five incense" (fragrant pig, fragrant cow, fragrant rice, fragrant duck, shiitake mushroom) and other specialties are famous in and out of the region. Huanjiang is the hometown of the country's vegetable cattle, and is rich in minerals such as coal, lead and zinc. Resources. Huanjiang is the third forestry county in Guangxi, a national-level ecological demonstration zone and a national greening model county. There are two national-level nature reserves of Jiuwanshan Jiuren and Muzheng Karst, and Huanjiang is also the “National Orchid Township”.