云南省 > 丽江市 >
丽江壁画景区旅游攻略 之景点2
very interesting, understand the old culture, how do they communicate, beautiful pictures, we love it very much
It's fun to see how many of the pictographs you can figure out. It's a very long wall of them out in the street.
Interesting place to visit if you are in the area anyway. Glad we had a guide with us to explain the significance of the mural. Enjoyed trying to decifer the language pictographs.
These murals painted over 400 years ago represents cultures of Tibetan, Naxi, Han peoples. Very interesting displays of Tibetan, Buddhism, Confucian and Taoism religion and cultures.
  • 地址:云南省丽江市古城区白沙乡白沙村 674101
  • 全年 8:00-17:30
  • 湘ICP备16000511号
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