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Yibin Introduction: Yibin is a famous historical and cultural city in China. It is one of the earliest and oldest cities in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. It is the starting point of the South Silk Road and is known as the “Southwest half-wall ancient Shuzhou”. Yibin Yibin City is located in the southeastern part of Sichuan Province, the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou provinces, covering an area of ​​13,283 square kilometers. Yibin is also known as “僰道”, “戎州”, “叙州城”, also known as “the first city of the Yangtze River”. The world-famous famous Wuliangye is produced here, and the developed brewing industry has made Yibin a veritable “Chinese wine capital”. Yibin Tourism: Yibin has 2 world-class scenic spots; 4 national 4A scenic spots, 2 national scenic spots, 5 provincial scenic spots, and 2 provincial wetland parks. Yibin is one of the four tourism priority development areas in Sichuan, one of the four tourist routes in Sichuan, and one of the top destinations for tourists from Sichuan. Main tourist attractions: Shunan Bamboo Sea, Shihaidong Township, Bowang Mountain, Western Grand Canyon, Forgetting Valley, Qilian Karst, Qilian Gulou Mountain, Baxian Mountain, Qixian Lake, Jinqiu Lake, Lizhuang Ancient Town Longhua Ancient Town, Liubeichi, Wuliangye Industrial Park, Xijiashan Residence, Zhaoyiman Memorial Hall, Zhenwu Mountain Ancient Architecture Group, Yiren Hanging, Yuxiang Temple, Huazang Temple, Daguanlou, Nianyi Palace, Yibin Tianchi, etc.