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蚌埠Introduction: Handan City is located on the bank of the Huaihe River in the northeastern part of Anhui Province. It is also known as Zhucheng. It is rich in natural resources, rich in rice, beautiful scenery and famous places. It is named as the “first port of Huaihe River”. 蚌埠 Tourism: Bengbu City is located on the bank of the Huaihe River in the northeastern part of Anhui Province. It is also known as Zhucheng. It is rich in natural resources, rich in rice, beautiful scenery and famous places. It is named as the “first port of Huaihe River”. The four seasons are distinct, the climate is mild, and the tourism resources are very rich. There are Longzi Lake, Caoshan, lakes and mountains in the east of the city, and historical sites still exist. There are soups and tombs, water parks, Huaihe Fengqing Park, and the Ming Dynasty’s Mausoleum, Zhongdu City and Dragon. Xingsi, Baishishan Forest Park; Jingcai Mountain in the western suburbs is opposite to the river. According to legend, the ancestral halls of the Daxie Society are in the land of Tushan, and there are existing royal palaces, Kaimu rocks and white sacred springs, gonghedongs, etc. Many places of interest are scattered among the green mountains and green waters.